October Zoom On-line Book Club (2nd Tuesday of the Month)
Tue, Oct 13
|Online Zoom Meeting
When Did Everybody Else Get So Old? Indignities, Compassions, and the Unexpected Grace of Midlife by Jennifer Grant
Time & Location
Oct 13, 2020, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM EDT
Online Zoom Meeting
About the Event
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Event details: Zoom On-line Reading Program Book Club Oct 13, 2020, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM EDT
UMW Reading Program Book Club
From writer and veteran columnist Jennifer Grant comes an unflinching and spirited look at the transitions of midlife. When Did Everybody Else Get So Old? plumbs the physical, spiritual, and emotional changes unique to the middle years: from the emptying nest to the sagging effects of aging. Grant acknowledges the complexities and loss inherent in midlife and tells stories of sustaining disappointment, taking hard blows to the ego, undergoing a crisis of faith, and grieving the deaths not only of illusions but of loved ones. Yet she illuminates the confidence and grace that this season of life can also bring. Magnetic, good-humored, and full of hope in the sustaining power of the Spirit, this is a must-read for anyone facing the flux and flow of middle age